Story Archive

Be Home By Dark

“As a society, we’ve kind of erred as our pendulum has swung for children’s safety a little bit too much to the side of helicopter parenting,” says Utah state Sen. Lincoln Fillmore. Rather than believe children are in danger at every moment, “we want kids to be able to learn how to navigate the world so when they’re adults they’re fully prepared to handle things on their own.” The legislator thought it was silly that parents could be prosecuted for allowing their children to walk home from school, or play in their own front yards by themselves. Fillmore’s “Free Range Kids” bill, which makes it legal for adults to not have eyes on their children at all times, has been signed by the governor. (RC/KSTU Salt Lake City) ...The legislature and governor did a great job. Next they can revisit zero tolerance.
Original Publication Date: 18 March 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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