Story Archive

Cereal Killer

A 52-year-old man in Moundville, Ala., asked his roommate “if he knew how hard it was to eat stale cereal without any teeth,” claiming the roommate “tore the bag when he opened it and did not do anything to keep the cereal fresh.” Duane Berry Smith demanded his roommate “remove his dentures and try some” of the Cap’n Crunch. When the roommate refused, Smith allegedly hit him with a laptop cord. The roommate called police, and the Cap’n Crunch muncher was charged with domestic violence/assault. (RC/Tuscaloosa News) ...If he thinks stale Cap’n Crunch hurts his mouth, he should try a fresh box.
Original Publication Date: 25 February 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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