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H. Wayne DeWitt, 63, was charged with drunk driving and hit and run after an injury crash in Goose Creek, S.C.; he was pulled over by local police after a short chase of over 100 mph, and identified as the driver in the crash. The arrest happened to come at the start of the third annual “Sober or Slammer” anti-drunk driving campaign run by Berkeley County Sheriff H. Wayne DeWitt. Sure enough, Sheriff DeWitt, who was just re-elected this fall, was driving a county vehicle at the time. His arrest by state troopers may have been illegal: according to state law, only a coroner has the power to arrest a county sheriff. When the judge was setting DeWitt’s bail (just short of $11,000), he asked the sheriff’s attorney if he’d like to make a motion regarding his client’s arrest. The attorney said he would address that in a later court hearing. Because he refused a breath test, the sheriff’s driver’s license was automatically suspended, and he faces up to a year in his own jail. DeWitt has refused to resign, but has turned over day-to-day operations of the sheriff’s office to the chief deputy. (RC/Charleston Post and Courier) ...The coroner, eh? Well, he’s also uniquely qualified to declare DeWitt’s career dead.
Story Update: DeWitt resigned from his position, pleaded guilty to DUI and failure to comply with law enforcement (for leading the chase), and was sentenced to 3 years of probation, 60 hours of community service, and required to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. In 2022, DeWitt, then 71, was again arrested for DUI, and having an open container of alcohol in his vehicle. He reportedly refused a field sobriety test.
Original Publication Date: 25 January 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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