DUIO — Driving Under the Influence of Obliviocy
Washington state is fed up with drivers under the influence, and has enacted a new DUI law. In this case, it’s DUIE: Driving Under the Influence of Electronics. Drivers may not operate any hand-held electronic device such as a mobile phone, even when at a stoplight, under penalty of a $136 fine, which ramps up quickly for subsequent offenses. It’s now also a “primary offense,” so police can stop a driver for doing it, rather than “secondary” to a different offense. While lawmakers were at it, they ramped up penalties for other types of distractions, such as putting on makeup while driving, or reading a book or newspaper at the wheel: those activities are still a secondary offense, and can result in a $99 fine. (RC/Renton Reporter) ...Under the theory that reading quality literature is less distracting to driving than taking a selfie.Original Publication Date: 06 August 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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