Extreme Stress Calls for Extreme Relief
Ovilla, Texas, police responded to a report of shots fired at a church. There they met Sommervell County Sheriff’s Deputy William Cox, crying and allegedly drunk in the parking lot. Officers say Cox explained that he was so upset he got very drunk and needed to relieve his stress — which he did by firing his gun; at least one bullet hit the church. Cox was charged with deadly conduct and taken to the Ellis County Jail, but the church pastor refused to press charges and Cox was released. “This, in my mind, is a tremendous abuse of ... discretion,” said Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson. “I cannot understand how these facts escape the narrative of favoritism.” The Ellis County Sheriff said the department was through with the incident and declined to comment. When the media requested Cox’s mug shot, the jail responded with a photo of a brick wall. The Sommervell County Sheriff’s Office fired Cox, and Wilson said his office will now conduct its own investigation. (MS/KDFW Dallas) ...Where they will probably find more brick walls.Original Publication Date: 14 August 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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