Fiddling while Rome Burns
Australians have a “growing expectation ... that someone else will come and save them” in a disaster, says a new report by Western Australia’s State Emergency Management Committee, “despite significant investment in public campaigns highlighting personal responsibility.” For instance, “reports of cyclone parties have become commonplace” — whooping it up when severe weather hits, rather than taking shelter. “People have become complacent with the risks.” Worse, when the government does send out emergency alerts, such as for bushfires, they become part of citizens’ information overload, “causing some people to dismiss it along with spam, junk mail or white noise.” (RC/The West Australian) ...“Highlighting personal responsibility” should be the end of the campaign, not the start of one. Darwin can take care of the rest.Original Publication Date: 27 November 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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