House of Ill Repute
Richard and Sandra Weiner hired real estate agents Robert Lindsay and Jeannemarie Phelan to sell their Wayne, N.J., home. Sandra Weiner later checked the house’s live security camera feed when she saw people with flashlights in the house and called police. “The police opened the door to the house and found Lindsay pulling up his pants,” notes the Weiners’ resulting lawsuit. “Lindsay lied to police by telling them that he was there to prepare the house for an open house. ... Instead, Lindsay and Phelan were at the house to have sex.” A review of the security cameras’ recordings allegedly revealed that Lindsay and Phelan had 11 liaisons in the house. The suit also says that Lindsay “intentionally listed the house above market value to avoid Realtor traffic in the home while he and Phelan carried on their trysts.” Lindsay and Phelan were both fired, and the New Jersey Real Estate Commission is investigating. Real estate ethics expert Lois Kadosh said she has never seen a case like this before. “That is so out of line,” she said of the allegations. “This is so far out there. They just didn’t want to pay for a room, I guess.” (MS/Bergen Record) ...Is that why they hang the lock box on the door — like the necktie on the doorknob?Story Update: See “The Rest of the Story” later in this volume.
Original Publication Date: 12 January 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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