Story Archive

How to Sweep a Girl Off Her Feet

Brittany Gardner and daughter Madison, 4, were heading into their Lyndhurst, Ohio, home during a major windstorm. As Madison opened the door, the wind caught it, blowing the door open — with Madison still holding on. “All I hear is ‘mommm!’,” Gardner said. Home surveillance video captured the door carrying the girl off. “She is totally OK,” Brittany said. “She was scared at first, then was laughing away at it. She held on until I took her off the handle.” Brittany edited the video — to add Frank Sinatra’s “Come Fly with Me” — and posted it on Facebook, where it was widely shared. (MS/WJW Cleveland) ...Luck was a lady that night.
Original Publication Date: 19 March 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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