Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama of Fiji announced a “revolutionary” new app for mobile phones that, thanks to being backed by his government, will be a “multi-billion dollar venture” to benefit the island nation. The “InstaCharge” app “uses evolutionary technology” so users can “instantly recharge their smart phone’s battery without the need for a charger or external battery pack,” according to a press release from Fiji’s Department of Information. That’s because there’s “excess power” that’s ...well... somewhere in the phone which the app can somehow channel into the battery in just 30 seconds. “This claim is just absolute nonsense,” says Prof. Justin Hodgkiss, who teaches physical chemistry at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand. “Anybody who’s studied science at even a high school level knows that one of the fundamental principles is that energy cannot be created or destroyed.” Those present at the “gala” unveiling noted that the app wasn’t even demonstrated. Bainimarama says that he wants Fiji to “be at the forefront of the telecommunications revolution.” (RC/Radio NZ) ...He’s at least a decade too late and a high school education too short.Original Publication Date: 04 December 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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