Story Archive

It’s a Jungle Out There

When a woman arrived to do business at the Bay County (Mich.) Courthouse, she had to go through security. When the screener put her bag into the x-ray scanner, “it started making noises,” noticed Sheriff’s Court Security Deputy Pat McIver. “I was like, ‘What was that?’ She goes, ‘Oh, that’s my monkey’.” The x-ray screen showed the animal’s skeleton. “I need to see your monkey,” McIver told her. Linda Stevenson unzipped her purse, and sure enough, a monkey stuck its head out. Stevenson claims the monkey is a registered “emotional support animal,” but the deputy wouldn’t allow her to take it into the courthouse. She took it to her car, carried out her business, and left. (RC/Bay City Times) ...The reason she needs emotional support: no one respects her monkey’s registration status.
Original Publication Date: 04 June 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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