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After discovering that Internet cafes run by the charity Allied Veterans of the World were being used for online gambling, the State of Florida passed a law prohibiting slot machines, which the new law defined as any “system or network of devices” which could be used in a game of chance. That, argues a lawsuit filed against the state, effectively makes any Internet-connected computer or smartphone illegal in the state. Hundreds of Internet cafes have already shut down for fear of prosecution, and lawsuits have been filed trying to get more businesses shut down, citing the new law. Even with that, the Speaker of the Florida House, Will Weatherford, calls the law “good policy, and I’m only disappointed it took this long to do it.” (RC/Tampa Bay Times) ...Thousands of Floridians have sent protest e-mails, but certainly Weatherford hasn’t received a single one.Original Publication Date: 28 July 2013
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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