Story Archive

Love, American Style

Denver, Colo., police officers Steven Sloan and Jeremy Ownbey are close. They went through the academy together and were hired at the same time. According to police reports, Sloan and Ownbey and their wives are all “swingers” who recently met at Sloan’s house. Sloan’s wife, Stephanie, felt that Ownbey was being too pushy and asked Ownbey and his wife, Jamie, to leave. As the couple left, Jamie allegedly hit Stephanie. Things escalated from there, and a brawl ensued, with Sloan allegedly pulling his gun at one point. Police say all had been drinking. Jamie was charged with misdemeanor assault, and Jeremy was charged with trespassing. Both Ownbeys were also charged with two counts of misdemeanor child abuse, for allegedly leaving their two small children alone during the incident. Both officers have been put on desk duty while the case is investigated. (MS/KUSA Denver) ...Both officers are demanding to use the others’ chair.
Original Publication Date: 29 June 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.

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