A man asked a cashier at a Walmart store in Jacksonville, Fla., for change for $20. She said he had to buy something before she could open the register, so he got a pack of cigarettes. When the cash drawer opened, the man “leaped over the counter,” she said, grabbed the cash drawer, and ran. When he got to his car it wouldn’t start, so he tried to carjack a passerby at knifepoint. The driver pulled out a pistol and the criminal ran again, stopped another car — this time with a woman driver — and again tried a carjacking. The woman also had a gun, and the man ran again, hiding in a restroom at a barber shop, where officers were able to apprehend him. “The reason I was running and did this was because somebody was after me,” Christopher Raymond Hill, 36, told officers. (RC/WTEV Jacksonville) ...Funny: the cops had guns too.Original Publication Date: 24 June 2018
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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