A “team” of “investigators” from “Bigfoot 911” says they spotted the elusive creature in McDowell County, N.C. John Bruner says around 11:00 p.m., the team was putting glow sticks in a rural forest (on the theory that they spark curiosity in the beasts) when he suddenly saw one of the glowing sticks moving — no doubt carried off by a Bigfoot! He turned on a light “and saw a large bi-pedal animal covered in hair,” he claims. “I was able to see details of the creature,” he says, “like the face, and the hair was matted and stringy. The eyes were farther apart than human eyes.” It quickly ran off, not to be seen again. The Greenville (S.C.) Police Department weighed in on the report: “After watching this video ... I think we can say with some confidence that proof of Bigfoot still eludes us.” And, the department urged, if anyone sees a Bigfoot, please don’t shoot it, “as you’ll most likely be wounding a fun-loving and well-intentioned person, sweating in a gorilla costume.” (RC/Charlotte Observer) ...In a country that has more cameras than people, how come there are still no clear Bigfoot photos?Original Publication Date: 03 September 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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