Showing Restraint
“It was my last resort, and I’m glad I did it,” said Stephen Feuder of Fairfield, Calif. “Not only for my son, but for the rest of the children.” What he did: Feuder asked a judge for a restraining order against his 9-year-old son’s school bully, since officials at Rolling Hills Elementary School shrugged off his complaints. “I’ve tried everything else, so why not that, and it was granted,” he said. The school, however, refuses to release the bully’s name or address so the order can be served. Feuder also wasn’t supported by other parents at the school. “What does that say?” asked parent Lacie Stover about the restraining order. “Every time you have a problem with somebody, you’re just going to file a restraining order against somebody? This is the real world.” (RC/KOVR Sacramento) ...A restraining order will be filed against Stover in 5... 4... 3....Original Publication Date: 20 April 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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