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Teacher, Teacher, I Declare

A parent complained to Raul Quintanilla Middle School officials that a female teacher was giving her son “large amounts of money” that he used for “illegal purposes,” causing discipline problems, and she wanted it to stop. The Dallas, Texas, school brought in police to investigate; investigators say the math teacher, Thao “Sandy” Doan, 27, was paying blackmail to the boy — almost $28,000 over two years — to cover up their sexual relationship; the boy allegedly had photos of their affair. The mother turned over text messages between the teacher and her son. Sample: “Anit [expletive] watch ima start getting the pics and everything ready ... to show the cops right I anit playing.” Doan has been arrested. It’s unclear whether the boy, now 16, will face charges. (RC/Dallas Morning News) ...Mom shouldn’t complain to the school about the boy getting money. She should complain that he didn’t get a basic education.
Original Publication Date: 05 February 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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