The Fast Lane
A Cumberland, Maine, police officer noticed a car with its license plate light out. When the officer tried to pull the car over, the driver, Anthony Lane, 21, initially complied, but according to police then sped off when the officer got out of his vehicle. A high-speed chase followed, allegedly reaching speeds of 100 mph. The chase ended when Lane failed to negotiate a turn and plowed the vehicle he was driving — his mother’s — into three parked cars, which in turn damaged a building. Lane was arrested and charged with eluding an officer, criminal speeding, driving to endanger, and operating without a license. He was released after posting bail. (MS/Portland Press Herald) ...Sure they let him out: he still has to face his mother.Original Publication Date: 09 October 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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