Story Archive

Turning Point

Lori Gallo-Bevard, 40, of Staten Island, N.Y., called for an ambulance when her husband overdosed on heroin. “It was a relapse,” she says. “We were doing so good. We hadn’t used in years.” But there were three more packets of the drug. As medics were working to save her husband, “I found the stuff he used,” she said later. “I hid it because I was afraid of the cops.” She flushed two of the packets down the toilet, but snorted the third. Big mistake: she collapsed into unconsciousness. The medics quickly noticed and saved her, too. “It’s not worth it,” Gallo-Bevard said after the couple got home from the hospital. “It wasn’t fun. It doesn’t make anything better.” (RC/New York Daily News) ...Naloxone: giving addicts a chance to learn from their mistakes since 1971.
Original Publication Date: 26 November 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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I believe humanity is held back by the lack of thinking. I provoke thought with examples of what happens when we don’t think, and when we do. This is True is my primary method: stories like this come out every week by email, and basic subscriptions are free. Click here for a subscribe form.

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