Did You Forget to Buy a Card?
I’ve got your back. I made this for my wife, and you can download the PDF and print it out (ideally on a color printer, but would still look OK in B&W) for your Significant Other — it should be fine for men or women. The envelope is up to you.
(Lost your sweetie? Print one out for yourself, sign his/her name to it, and put it on your pillow to find later. Seriously: do it.)
The earlier years’ versions are still available below if you prefer one of those.
2025 Version

“I said you’re mine. Now feed me.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
2024 Version

“…to Read.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
2023 Version

(Blurry) “At Least When I Take My Glasses Off!”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
(Click to see larger.)
2022 Version

“Actually it’s probably a little closer to here, but you get the idea.”
(Click to see larger.)
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Now that, Randy, is a true public service! Thank you.
My father in law was very sick these past few years and my wife has become a medical expert taking care of him and being his advocate at all the hospital visits, often nurses have asked if she has had training in the medical field or if she is also a nurse. I figured she would get a kick out of this card and it got a great laugh from her and was very well received, so Thank You Very Much for the card and This Is True that keeps us laughing through the year.
You’re most welcome. Hope your FiL feels better soon. -rc
Thanks!!! Saved the day.
It was actually the 2nd card, and the result was laughter. Thanks for brightening our day.
Much Appreciated Randy! And totally my kind of card 😉 . I had to rearrange the images (still w/ your credits of course) so I could email this — my sweetie is in Elko NV today & I’m at home in So Cal.
That’s fine, glad you found it useful. Of course, you can also just grab the illustration on this page for email use. -rc
That was great! Thank you.
Nah, aorta get my sweetie a store-bought card. She’s so vein. But this is a sweet card. Thanks!
I hope it makes her heart skip a beat. -rc
Didn’t even have to download! Just showed to my sweetie over dessert. Thank you! ♥️
Seems kinda lazy 🙂 but whatever works! -rc
I enjoyed your card. I didn’t give one to my partner of 17 years and even failed to write a poem as I often do. However we did attended a musical of French love songs by a theater group. But the winning move was having a copy (in Hebrew, her language) delivered yesterday, of the book I am reading, The History of Love by Nicole Krauss.
You did well. -rc
It was particularly appropriate for us, since I am going in for heart surgery on Wednesday. 🙂
Woo! Recover quickly. -rc
Thank you, Randy.
I printed it from Adobe Reader. As it printed on an 8.5×11″ paper, I first had to fold it in half (on the 8.5″ side) then fold it as a card — like the above image shows.
The inside image looks like the chocolate heart I gave my wife (then girlfriend) for our first Valentine’s Day. That was back in 1994.
I hope you allow us to print this out again next year.
You’ll probably want a fresh idea for next year, but it’s a Tuesday so I’ll have more time to get something together. 🙂 -rc
OMG, she laughed and loved it!
I used your handy valentine’s card last night. My husband and I have celebrated over 42 valentine’s days so as you can imagine, we stopped giving cards over 20 years ago.
I thought I would use your card last night and inscribed it with: I love you more than potatoes, and you KNOW how much I love potatoes.
The card was a hit! I’m pretty sure he took it to work this morning to show off to his coworkers.
Who says romance goes away after a few years? LOL
Thank you for sharing with the rest of us.
More than POTATOES?! Wow, that really is commitment. Thanks for the story! -rc
My wife got a huge charge out of last year’s version, so I’m sure she will love this one. It actually means more to her than the fanciest Hallmark card. I didn’t quite have the heart (pun intended) to tell her I didn’t design it myself. Thanks, Randy. And Happy Valentine’s to you and Kit.
Doesn’t matter who designed it: it’s the giving that counts. Glad she likes them! -rc
My wife and I met 16 years ago on Feb 11. And she TURNED ME DOWN for a second date on Valentine’s Day date, saying she already had plans. Turns out the plans were with her two 20-something year old daughters, which I have since adopted. So we actually celebrate on Feb 11th when we met. But I still print your cards and give them to her on the 14th, thanks!
Awesome. Thanks for the story, Andy! -rc