Available in Ebook and Paperback
The all-new books for Kindle (and other ebook formats) and paperback include Volume 7. This is True: Committee Names Committee (And 500 Other Bizarre-but-True Stories and Headlines from the World’s Press) can be ordered here (or click the cover).
Each volume has hundreds of true stories and wacky headlines from This is True. See the True book page for an up-to-date list of available titles.
The books are the only complete archive of the stories from This is True — thousands and thousands of super-short stories going back to 1994. These timeless tales of human obliviocy will make you appreciate that no matter how bad things are for you, there are others — lots of others! — who are much, much worse off!
Seriously, these stories illustrate deep truths about The Human Condition. They’re fun reading, but they will also make you think. It’s why we bill True as “Thought-Provoking Entertainment”.
Availability of new volumes will be announced in the newsletter. If you’re not already subscribed to get several new stories each week, you’re really missing out: there’s a subscribe form on this page.
Meanwhile, you can view these sample stories from Volume 7:
- 19-Nov-2000 - Shaggy Décolletage
- 26-Nov-2000 - Spellbound
- 18-Feb-2001 - Extra Crispy
- 11-Mar-2001 - Work Experience
- 22-Apr-2001 - Dumbest
- 06-Sep-2009 - Gender Parity