I’ve Always Liked the “Inside” Stories — What It’s Like to… Save a Life. Be a Surgeon. Pave a Road.
Of course, people wonder about a lot “negative” things too — Become Paraplegic. Serve on a Murder Jury. Survive a Family Member’s Suicide.

Wondering “What It’s Like” to be or do whatever has been a constant theme in my life — and I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people like that. Thus the theme of my newest project: I want to tell, and read, such stories.
Being the email publisher I am, you can subscribe to email notifications of new “WiLt” stories when they’re posted at the WiLt site. All stories have at least one large photo, so the stories themselves are not emailed. Stories are also published after a short delay on Medium.com, which is handy if you’re a member there.
What’s Your Story?
Yes, readers are encouraged to submit their own story (or stories!): there’s a Submissions Page that outlines the requirements and procedure, including the potential for payment for your story if you wish.
One long-time This is True reader has already jumped aboard: What It’s Like to Become a Cripple pretty well signals the writer’s attitude! And a couple more are already in the editing process.
Start with the First…
To catch up with the stories so far, they start with What It’s Like to Save a Life, and you can scroll through the subsequent stories with the big photo nav buttons at the bottom of each page. Comments are open on each one: writing is a very solitary hobby/profession, and most really enjoy getting feedback from readers. I know I do!
I hope you’ll follow along to see these truly interesting stories as they come out — and will think about pitching a story or three yourself. They’ll be published twice a week (Tues/Thurs), with Saturday added at some point if there are enough submissions.
(“Cripple” would have normally not published until Tuesday, but there was a really good reason to rush in out on Sunday….)
Fitting It In
I suppose the obvious question is, how am I going to fit this into my schedule? The Uncommon Sense Podcast is going to “occasional” status — in the time it takes me to research, write, record, edit, produce, and publish one podcast episode, I can write 6–8 stories for the new site, or edit 12–16 submissions (and short, true, written stories are really my specialty anyway!)
Randy’s Random will mostly go to reposts, especially of early stuff that a lot of people never saw. And the True Stella Awards reposts with updates will continue on a once-a-week schedule rather than go back to twice, at least until I see how my schedule shakes out.
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This page is an example of my style of “Thought-Provoking Entertainment”. This is True is an email newsletter that uses “weird news” as a vehicle to explore the human condition in an entertaining way. If that sounds good, click here to open a subscribe form.
To really support This is True, you’re invited to sign up for a subscription to the much-expanded “Premium” edition:
Q: Why would I want to pay more than the minimum rate?
A: To support the publication to help it thrive and stay online: this kind of support means less future need for price increases (and smaller increases when they do happen), which enables more people to upgrade. This option was requested by existing Premium subscribers.
This is a fantastic idea I’d be keen to explore and contribute to! I’m an American citizen born and raised in California and now living in New Zealand with NZ residency, and married to a Kiwi lady. I’ll try to think of some specific NZ ‘what it’s like to’ articles, to get visitors interested in travelling here once borders open again.
Not only that, but What It’s Like to emigrate to another country would be interesting too! Please do pitch your ideas via the Submit page. Thanks! -rc
I absolutely LOVE this concept. On my way right now to read what’s been published so far and looking forward to new issues.