Story Archive

You Pays Your Dollar, and Takes Your Chances

Fire rescue crews were dispatched to a hotel in Aberdeen, Md., after a young boy thought of a surefire way to get a prize from a “claw crane” game machine at the inn: he climbed into the prize door, but then couldn’t get back out. Rescue personnel did it the easy way: they called the machine’s owner and waited for him to arrive with a key, which only took half an hour. Harford County Volunteer Fire & EMS Association spokeswoman Jenn Chenworth said she didn’t know how old the boy was. Did he get his toy? “I think his biggest prize was getting released,” she offered. (RC/Baltimore Sun) ...As usual, she missed the actual prize: he got to thwart Darwin.
Original Publication Date: 02 July 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.

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