Zero Teaching
Two Los Angeles, Calif., high school students did science projects that involved launching projectiles. A school employee got a look at one of them, and science teacher Greg Schiller was suspended for “supervising the building, research and development of imitation weapons,” the teacher’s union said. Students and parents are campaigning for Schiller’s reinstatement. “As far as we can tell, he’s being punished for teaching science,” a union official said. If teaching science is forbidden, what happens to science class? “The class is now essentially a free period,” says one of Schiller’s students in a psychology course designed to lead to an Advanced Placement test for college credit. “The sub does not have a psych background and can’t help us with the work.” (AC/Los Angeles Times) ...On the bright side, you can get practical psychology experience trying to understand what your school officials are doing.Original Publication Date: 27 April 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.
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