Deputies in Polk County, Fla., received a tip that Alton Trowell, 31, was using his Facebook page to sell moonshine. An undercover detective contacted Trowell through Facebook and allegedly negotiated the purchase of 12 pints of 192-proof grain alcohol in mason jars for $240. The detective then met Christie Comkowycz, 31, and Dalton Ridlon, 20, in a parking lot where the alleged exchange took place, and the two were arrested. Comkowycz told detectives she’d purchased the booze from Richard Lott, 48, who was later arrested, too. Trowell had been arrested the night before on unrelated charges. (MS/WFTV Orlando) ...By the time they get out, their latest batch of ’shine should be mighty smooth.Original Publication Date: 31 January 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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