A Bad Sign
Frances Knobel was visiting Suffolk, England, from the United States when she saw a disturbing road sign. “I had to stop the car and go back to see if I had read the sign correctly,” she said. “It didn’t make any sense and seemed very gruesome that people would boast that poor domestic animals were being so horribly mistreated.” The sign read, “Cat’s Eyes Removed”. What was removed from the road wasn’t actual feline optics, but the reflective bumps in the middle of the road — variously known in the United States as Botts’ Dots, turtles, or buttons. So many tourists have been disturbed by the signs, the Suffolk county council decided to replace them. The signs will now refer to “road studs.” (MS/London Telegraph) ...Now tourists will be upset that they missed the Chippendales.Original Publication Date: 27 August 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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