A quiz given to sixth-graders at Woodson Middle School in Hopewell, Va., asked students to answer questions like, “What do you call a married man’s girlfriend?” and “What do you call the younger boyfriend of a much older woman?” The expected answers: “mistress” and “boy toy.” Other questions dealt with “trophy wives” and other adult topics, and parents took to social media to complain about the assignment. Superintendent Melody Hackney says the unidentified teacher “downloaded this worksheet from the Internet,” but declined to say what action would be taken, since “this matter has become a personnel issue.” Tara Sample, the mother of a girl who was given the worksheet, said “I was thinking maybe it’s a young teacher that’s inexperienced, but no...she’s an older woman [who] has been teaching for years.” (RC/WWBT Richmond) ...Who apparently has made an uncomfortable discovery about her husband.Original Publication Date: 26 November 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 24.
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