Story Archive

Armored for the Wind

A school employee saw a suspicious individual with military-style equipment walking the halls of John F. Kennedy Middle School in Southington, Conn. Naturally, the school was locked down. Students were secured, the premises were searched. Parents got calls, got nervous, and gathered nearby. The suspicious individual was a student; the staffer was alarmed because the student was in the halls instead of in class; what was “military-style” was the jacket the student was wearing. The lockdown ran from about 10:45 a.m. to nearly 1:00 p.m. “I think in situations like this, staff members reacted exactly the way they were supposed to react,” said schools superintendent Tim Connellan. He said he didn’t expect either the student or the suspicious staffer to be punished. (AC/WFSB Hartford) ...Because walking in the hallway is OK, and so is locking down the school over it.
Original Publication Date: 28 September 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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