Story Archive

Away From a Manger

“We know God sees everything that happens,” said Rev. Kenneth Murphy of St. Stanislaus Kostka Polish Catholic parish in Sayreville, N.J. It wasn’t God, however, who saw a pair of suspects stealing Baby Jesus from the church’s manger scene during the Polish Christmas season, which ends February 2. Rather, once the figurine was noticed as missing, the church simply looked at its security cameras. The recorded video shows the two sneaking onto the parish lawn, then appearing to reconsider their actions, until one returns and snatches the figurine out of the manger. According to Murphy, this is the third time in six years that the Baby Jesus has been stolen. “You have to be accountable for what you do — good, bad or indifferent,” Murphy said. “Ultimately they’ll have to face another judge.” (MS/WCBS New York) ...And that judge doesn’t need a security camera.
Original Publication Date: 01 February 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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