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Pennsylvania State Police troopers have arrested Roger Lee Harris, 63, and Bryan Bandes, 42, of North Union Township, after a golf course altercation. The two men argued about the rules of “casual water” on the course — puddles left by brief rain showers. The argument continued for several holes, and on the seventh, Harris, “who has his club in his hand, gripping it near the head, swung the club, striking [Bandes] in the left forearm and the top of the head,” leaving him with a concussion. Then a “melee ensued” with the two men trading punches. Harris was charged with aggravated assault, and Bandes only with simple assault. The report notes the club Harris used was a 3-wood. (RC/AP) ...Which makes it a felony. A putter would have only been a misdemeanor.
Original Publication Date: 31 August 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 21.

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