I’ve asked readers to please recommend True to their friends — that, after all, is probably how they heard about the newsletter in the first place. But a reader wants help to do that: “I’m not a writer,” says Carla in Oklahoma.
“I really want to get you more subscribers,” Carla said. “Can you help me promote you?”
The Easy Tip Up Front
I don’t think you need to be a writer to just say what you like about True — just say what you really think. “I subscribe to this. It’s funny and thought-provoking, and I think you may like it too. It’s free.” is fine.
But sure: Carla wanted a hand, and it prompted me to make up a graphic that she could share on Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, her own blog or web site, or any other place where you can post an image.
After posting the first one to Facebook, it had more than 200 reposts (“shares”) in just a few hours. But more importantly, I immediately saw an increase in subscriptions — and in the “Where Did You Hear of This is True?” box, I saw lots of references to “friend,” “Facebook,” and even “friend on Facebook.” It works!
And if I made the graphic for Carla (by posting it to my Facebook page, why not make it easy for other readers to find too, even those not on Facebook?
And if I’m going to grab attention with a funny photo, why not make a handful of versions, in case someone prefers a particular photo?
The Graphics
Why not indeed! So there are now eight nine of them. Feel free to wait for the one you like to come up on Facebook (I’ll be posting a new one every weekend for nine weeks), or grab it from here and post it yourself. If you have the ability to have a link to another page, maybe make that link to the story illustrated in the graphic: the URL is shown in each, and you can click each one to see it larger.

And, by request, featuring a Zero Tolerance story:

I suggest that when you post (or “share”) one of these, you add a comment, such as how long you have subscribed, how much you like it, that it’s thought-provoking, or whatever moves you. The whole idea is to personalize it for your friends.
Here’s just a sampling of what other readers have said when posting these on Facebook:
- I love This is True. There have been many funny and some not so funny stories over the years and I am proud to say I have been a subscriber for MANY years now and have loved them all. Here’s to many more.
- I love the “reporting” style of Randy Cassingham. He publishes a weekly newsletter: “This Is True.” Subscribe to the free version and see for yourself.
- I’ve subscribed to this for many years — it is fun stuff and good thought provoking comments. Randy Cassingham is one of the first internet entrepreneurs, and still a good one.
- I do subscribe to this newsletter. Check out the free version for a taste of what you get, and then subscribe to the Premium Edition.
- There a free weekly edition and an expanded paid edition. I especially like the Honorary Unsubscribes.
- Maybe I’ll start sharing this daily. This is such an awesome newsletter!!! Thank you, Randy Cassingham. I’m not sure how long I’ve subscribed to the free version or the paid This is True. But, I subscribe to both. 😀
- I read this every week and it never fails to entertain me and make me think.
- This newsletter is easily worth what I pay for the Premium Edition. If you’re not sure, there’s a Free Edition, too.
- I have been reading This is True on and off since college, and the premium subscription is worth every penny!
- I have been a Premium subscriber for several years now, but think all my friends should at least try out the free version.
- Thought provoking and entertaining.
- Really cool newsletter.
- I Do. Do You?
- Always interesting, thought-provoking, and entertaining.
- A plug for This Is True – I’ve been reading this weekly email forever! Sign up for a free subscription and enjoy Randy Cassingham’s wry humor. It’s not non-political, but he’s just as happy to skewer either side. Equal opportunity skewering? 🙂
- It’s one email a week, well worth your time. Trust me.
- I love This is True!!
- Been reading This is True for the last five years and never get tired of it. Try it!
- I have subscribed for YEARS. Interesting and thought-provoking! There is a free version if you want to try it for yourself!
- I look forward to getting this in my inbox weekly.
- Sometimes contentious, always fun.
- I do subscribe, and I always enjoy it. I think you will, too. It often challenges me the THINK, and I believe it will challenge you, too.
- For really though provoking entertainment, subscribe to This is True.
- You can find out for free why I’ve been a paying reader since 1997. Open-mindedness has its rewards.
- This is some of the best on the Internet. A free subscription gives you a half dozen true stories per week that will give you reason to think, to chuckle, to laugh out loud and give a wonderful perspective on life. A paid subscription gives you more stories per week and is well worth the <3 dollars per month it costs. You will never miss the 32 dollars per year, and you will never regret getting the stories.
For other ideas to help “spread the word” about This is True, see How You Can Help True Survive. Thanks!
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This page is an example of my style of “Thought-Provoking Entertainment”. This is True is an email newsletter that uses “weird news” as a vehicle to explore the human condition in an entertaining way. If that sounds good, click here to open a subscribe form.
To really support This is True, you’re invited to sign up for a subscription to the much-expanded “Premium” edition:
Q: Why would I want to pay more than the minimum rate?
A: To support the publication to help it thrive and stay online: this kind of support means less future need for price increases (and smaller increases when they do happen), which enables more people to upgrade. This option was requested by existing Premium subscribers.
Did my part (for whatever that’s worth). Now, if anyone who would pay attention to my blatherings will actually subscribe, so much the better. Just as Snopes is to urban legends, This is True should be just as much a well-known, and referenced, icon. Not just “heard about” incidents, but documented.
It all helps, and thanks! -rc
Randy, a request: It would be great if you could create an image to share referencing one of your ZT stories. I find that ZT stories are the most common reason I send people towards This is True.
Done! Thanks for the great suggestion. -rc
Neat graphics, and I may put one up somewhere. But also….
You had IMDB as the Bonzer Site of the Week again; I didn’t know you knew about it AND have an entry page on it. It desperately needed to have your “Official Blog” added to its “Official Site” list, and someone to start the first topic on your Message Board there. So now you have both, and maybe someone there will see them, as they point to This Is True. I also mentioned that your newsletter was complementing and recommending IMDB.
Both This Is True and IMDB are among my favorite sites.
The IMDB Bonzer write-up [no longer online] does note that it was “Originally published 25 January 2004”. As announced a few months ago, I’m slowly going through and updating the Bonzer write-ups (and dropping those that are no longer online or worthy). Thanks much for enhancing my listing there. -rc
Legogun? What the hell is wrong with this world? I really thought these were toys, not WMD’s. What’s next? Bubble gum is C4? God help these little kids. What a future.