Jokey McJokeface
The National Environment Research Council of the United Kingdom is planning to launch a 128m-long research vessel to take a staff of 90 to the waters of both the north and south polar regions. And if voters in an Internet poll NERC is conducting to name the Royal Research Ship get their way, it will be called RRS Boaty McBoatface. “It’s a brilliant name,” says James Hand, who submitted what is now the leading proposal, with nearly 100,000 votes. Though, he says, “I’ve tweeted the organizers and said I’m terribly sorry; a lot of people have replied to me and said that’s the most British thing ever.” NERC says it reserves the right to choose the final name. (AC/London Independent) ...RRS Serious Boat Name.Original Publication Date: 27 March 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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