Kids Last
From Adopt a Shelter Pet to Wildlife Sporting, Colorado has fully bought in to the special interest license plate, since each one issued earns the state an extra $50 in fees. But, the state says, things have gotten out of hand and several specialty plates are likely going to be discontinued. For instance, Kids First will likely be pulled from circulation since it’s not very popular; same with Child Loss Awareness and Girl Scouts. Support the Horse is more popular than all three of those — but by so little it’s in danger of being pulled too. With more than 100 plate options, even sport team plates are unpopular, with the Rockies (baseball), Avalanche (hockey), and Nuggets (basketball) plates all in danger. But a new specialty plate is being introduced: Pueblo Chile. When New Mexico’s legislature heard that was coming, they quickly voted in their own “Chile Capital of the World” plate, getting it on the street before Colorado could issue theirs. (RC/KUSA Denver) ...Were they red-faced, or green with envy?Original Publication Date: 23 April 2017
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.
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