A woman in Gainesville, Fla., posted notices that her kitten was lost. Those led to text messages from someone claiming to have the kitten — and wanting at least $20 or “something bad” would happen to it. The messages were traced to Madeleine Kaye, 22, who was questioned by Officer Frederick Munn. According to Munn, Kaye admitted to sending the texts while out drinking with friends. “Defendant stated that the messages are representatives or examples of HUMOR,” Munn recorded in his report. “The defendant states that she has no knowledge of where the kitten is or what has happened to the kitten.” Kaye was charged with extortion and threats. (MS/Gainseville Sun) ...She has no knowledge of the kitten, and no knowledge of humor.Original Publication Date: 01 May 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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