Story Archive

Oh, Was There a Debate?

The University of Colorado in Boulder hosted one of the many presidential debates in the runup to the 2016 election. It cost the university $764,102 to host the Republican shindig: $352,057 for police, safety and security; $316,345 for “site preparation;” $54,517 for communications and I.T.; and $41,182 for “other.” But that’s nothing compared to the benefits it got, the university says, which were worth as much as $4.2 million. How so? Well, it got $3.87 million in “earned media” — news stories that mentioned “some detail” about the university, officials say, plus as much as $332,500 for “time-lapse clips” of the university’s campus, Boulder setting, and “Ralphie” the bison mascot, which were shown on TV in the show’s intro. (RC/Denver Post) ...That sounds more like the sort of “valuation” touted by contestants on “Shark Tank” than one by a 140-year-old university with a highly rated business school.
Original Publication Date: 14 February 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.

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