Story Archive

What She Wants You to Think

When a police officer went to Richard Shepard of Hartselle, Ala., to tell him his wife had hired an undercover officer to kill him, Shepard agreed to help fake photos of his death to convince his wife, Sarah, 27, that the deed was done. Then, of course, Sarah was arrested and held on $500,000 bail. Richard petitioned for a protection order for himself and his young children, who he considered to be “in extreme danger” due to the charges and Sarah’s history of abuse. Even after her arrest, Sarah was even “more adamant” with friends that she wanted her husband killed. But months later, Richard worked with Sarah’s attorney to get her bail reduced so she could get out of jail. He told Morgan County Circuit Judge Glenn Thompson that there “isn’t any way” Sarah could have plotted to kill him because she can “hardly put together a weekly grocery list.” (RC/WAFF Huntsville, Decatur Daily) ...Grocery list, hit list — big difference.
Original Publication Date: 04 September 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 23.

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I believe humanity is held back by the lack of thinking. I provoke thought with examples of what happens when we don’t think, and when we do. This is True is my primary method: stories like this come out every week by email, and basic subscriptions are free. Click here for a subscribe form.

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