In This Episode: Do you want to know what TRUE is really about? Then listen to this one if you can — don’t read the transcript. You’ll hear the true passion behind one of my written rants, because now it’s literally in my voice. If you don’t have a podcast player, you can stream it from the Show Page.
044: The Rants Get Serious
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Show Notes
- Help Support Uncommon Sense — yes, $5 helps!
- The Austin Powers text rant and letters, as originally presented in 1999, is here. See the doll in its original packaging below.
- Wikipedia has a nice article about Las Vegas’s Paradise Palms development, but unfortunately not many photos. My photo of a representative house is below.
- Yes, the audio quality is not as good as usual: now you know why I’ve stopped making recordings on the road…!

This is a reissue of an episode from the now-deleted first series, and was recorded in August 2018.
I’m Randy Cassingham, and this week I’m recording in Las Vegas, where I’ll be attending a conference. Since I spend as little time as possible in hotel casinos, I’m staying with friends in the first planned community in the county, called Paradise Palms. I recognize the 1950s-1960s architecture from growing up in California: a really distinctive style that attracted a lot of stars who needed homes here when they did shows at the casinos. People who lived in the neighborhood included Johnny Carson, Rip Taylor, Bobby Darin, Phyllis Diller, and many more. I popped out and took a photo of one of the houses in the neighborhood that caught my eye, and I’ll put that on the Show Page.

And that’s not the only change in speed here. When I started up this podcast, I promised that once in awhile, I’d record an audio version of one of my famous rants, so you could hear it in my own voice, and hear the inflections and emphasis and passion behind it. And maybe a little bit of the exasperation and derision I felt when writing it!
At first, This is True was only the stories, with virtually no commentary outside the taglines. But after awhile, I found that I still had more to say, especially when readers pushed back and proved they didn’t understand the point that most other readers did, from one of my stories.
The hard part for me now is deciding on which rant to start with: there’s a lot of good ones. I decided to go back to the beginning, to the one that really started it all, back before I ever called them rants. In fact, I actually applied that label to the angry letters I received over a story from way back in the 18 July 1999 issue. It was about an action figure doll from the Austin Powers movies, a parody of 1960s spy dramas starring Mike Myers in the title role who was put into suspended animation for a few decades so he could be available to fight off his nemesis, Dr. Evil. I called the story, “Hey, Doll! Push My Button!” I’ll read it verbatim:
When Tamantha Brannon was shopping at an Atlanta, Ga., Toys ’R’ Us store, her 11-year-old son Marvin picked up an “Austin Powers” doll and pushed its talk button. “Do I make you horny, baby? Do I?” the doll demanded. When Marvin asked her what “horny” meant, Brannon was so angry that she has filed a criminal obscenity complaint with county prosecutors. “This is not acceptable,” Brannon said. “My son is not old enough to be talking about sex.” Clayton County Solicitor Keith Martin is looking into the complaint, but isn’t rushing to press any charges. “I don’t know who we would even prosecute,” he said.
And in my tagline to the story, I suggested, “Start with Ms Brannon.”
That tagline led to three kinds of responses:
First were the vile, obscene, hate-laden vitriol from, I said in the follow-up the week after, “morons who seem incapable of understanding the irony of using ‘obscenities’ in complaints about ‘crude’ language.”
Second were those with gentle, intelligent, thought-provoking debate, complaints, or even praise.
And third was the silly ranting.
Let me give you just a few examples; I’ll let you decide which category each comes from.
Randi (with an I) in Virginia said: “I was a little surprised at your take on the Austin Powers doll story. Also saddened at the legal reaction about not knowing who to prosecute. If the phrase quoted is actually part of the doll’s repetoire [sic], I would think the maker of the doll should be prosecuted, or at least legally ‘asked’ (is there such a thing?) to remove sex related phrases from the taped (uh programmed) vocabulary.” Well whatever.
Carlston, who didn’t note a location, wrote perhaps my favorite letter of the bunch. He says, “There is nothing humorous in this situation, even if an issue of morality was not involved. Your comment is not humorous at any level. It makes neither sense nor nonsense.” I’m still astounded by Carlston’s complaint. I’ve never had anyone complain before or since complain that a comment “didn’t make nonsense.” Does he want me to try harder next time?
And then there was Chad from Georgia, who said: “I don’t pay for your column, so my comments will be limited.” [And in this space you can be very thankful that I’ve clipped out five hundred words of ranting, but you’ll get the gist of it from his last sentence, and I quote—] “Let your account be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and your soul be saved, that you may withstand the fiery hell that will beset the world for the age-old wickedness that the media spit-shines and sells as new.”
I’ll pause to add to the record that I never use spit to shine up old stories: each issue of the newsletter has new stories because I’ve never had a shortage of material. As you can hear in this podcast every week, there’s no shortage of obliviots doing stupid things for me to talk about.
And sometimes those obliviots are readers. Let me give you an example of that.
In the following week’s issue, I concluded my follow-up with these words: “Of course ‘Toys ’R’ Us’ was stupid to sell such a doll! If they didn’t know about the thing’s ‘vocabulary,’ they should have: and some of the more intelligent, thoughtful responses noted that the vocabulary was clearly spelled out on the package. Toys ’R’ Us deserve to lose significant business over this. The distributor was certainly negligent for shipping it to a children’s toy store chain; how nice that I was able to add to the wave of bad publicity. True, I think the mother is keeping her kid unnaturally shielded from sexual matters — but if that’s her wish, it should be her right. But to abuse the legal system by filing criminal charges because a doll said ‘horny’ is wrong, stupid, and obviously took the prosecutor’s time away from real crimes. That, dear readers, is what the comment was about. Shame on the sickos who read more into it than that! I haven’t lost all hope: even some of the complaints were truly very thoughtful. I also got plenty of mail from people who ‘got it’ — and there was a huge upswing in paid subscriptions. I thank the latter groups for reassuring me that most of my readers are indeed intelligent people!”
Well, wouldn’t you know it? Several people wrote to complain that I called them “sicko morons.”
It’s amazing to me how many people want to be offended, since they clearly choose to take offense by assuming I’m talking about them when I say “sicko moron” — but not when I say “thoughtful and intelligent”!
I take heart, however. For all the so-called “rants” I received, there were significantly more “raves,” and I’ll give you just a few.
“D” in West Virginia wrote, “I am truly saddened to think that people in general did not get the point you were trying to make with the story of the doll having crude vocabulary. As I am also a mother, I want my children to have some understanding of the world at large, but with supervision, hopefully they will grow to become productive individuals.”
I mean TRUE to be thought-provoking and there it is, right up front: thoughtful realization of the point of the story, and then applying it to the real world to help her kids become more mature adults. That’s what it’s about!
Tom in Texas agrees, “Every now and then I get complacent and think that in my 66 years that I will not be surprised by much that happens in this world, especially people’s stupidity. But once again I’m jerked back to reality, this time by you having to explain to your readers your comment about prosecuting the mother.”
And then Bret, who didn’t say where he was located, really analyzed it. It’s lengthy, but worth it. He says:
I’ll begin by telling you how much I enjoy TRUE — it sometimes seems like a lone voice of sanity in the cacophony of meaningless and treacherous babble that the media can be counted on to spew forth. I have come to appreciate your intelligent blend of humor and insightful commentary.
However, my faith was shaken when I read, in your most recent issue, ‘I think the mother is keeping her kid unnaturally shielded from sexual matters — but if that’s her wish, it should be her right.’ Personally, I think the child’s right to know about sexual matters overrides the mother’s desire to ‘shield’ him, which probably stems from her own outdated beliefs or personal insecurities. I have seen first hand the trauma that a young person who has been ‘shielded’ from sexual matters will experience — inevitably — when he or she is exposed to others their own age who discuss sexual topics. While the discussion is usually crude, the ignorant child will experience humiliation in front of his or her peers, and probably extended taunting and mocking that, at a young age (in some cases, at any age) will be torturous and scarring.
Perhaps more insidious is the long-term, internal damage such an upbringing will do. The child will grow up with misguided notions about sex, and will probably have no one to turn to when in need of open, frank information about sex. The child will probably never experience sex for what it really is: one of God’s greatest gifts to human beings. Yes, Randy, I’m a Christian, and I have been deeply disturbed by the attempts by such evil groups as the Christian Coalition to push damaging ‘information’ on impressionable young people. The sad irony is that they typically try to use schools for their agenda, institutions which should be devoted to the dissemination of facts, not appropriated by self-righteous fearmongers.
Please pardon the digression; I get carried away on issues like this. Randy, I urge you to support the rights of the last group in our society to remain powerless — children. Please take a stand against the dangerous people who seek to harm them in the name of protecting them.
God what a letter! That is thinking! That is an example of somebody using the stories to understand the world better, and to protect what he sees as the powerless in society. Man, what an honor to give him some ammunition.
A couple more. Robert in Missouri writes, “You might want to consider the following about Dr. Samuel Johnson, the man who published the first dictionary of the English language back in 1755. Shortly after it was published, a lady approached him and congratulated him on omitting obscenities from his dictionary. His reply upon hearing that remark was ‘Ah, so you have been looking for them, Madam?’ In my opinion, most, if not all people who look for obscenity in things such as children’s TV shows (remember the incident with Jerry Falwell and the Teletubbies?) have far dirtier minds than [pornographers like] Al Goldstein or Larry Flynt.”
And then, J.A. in Nebraska: “I learned many things while in the Air Force; one of those is the military does a pretty good job at communicating what needs to be done in their regulations… because the technical writers had to write and compose all regulations under a very strict criteria: don’t use vocabulary over a sixth grade level. I understand what you were trying to accomplish with your comments. However, most people are not very good at reading the text ‘between the lines’ [because it] is not a prerequisite of sixth grade.”
Heh heh! Love it. And last…
“Here’s a word of advice, just do the stories. That’s the only reason ANYBODY is reading this page. Its [sic] because we’re interested in the stories. Not your editorials or your self-important opinions.” —said Wendy of KSJY (“American Family Radio”) in Louisiana
I see: only proselytizing radio stations have opinions? Guess what, cupcake: all of This is True is commentary! I write every word myself, as it clearly says in the copyright notice each week, so my opinion runs rampant through it. It must be difficult to talk on the radio with your foot in your mouth.
It was the fun of replying to readers who really get it that made me realize how much the readers really loved This is True. And what they loved the most was when I didn’t kow-tow to the morons, and rather said what I really thought to the obliviots who didn’t get it, and insisted that I instead dumb down the commentary and buy in to their twisted and self-righteous paternalism. Because I said the things that the thoughtful readers would say if they had the chance, even if they don’t quite have the writing skills to say it quite as succinctly as I might.
And that is the trouble I see with “the media” in general: they provide “equal time” to different sides of issues as if every point of view is valid. They’re not. While I do err on the side of parental rights, even that has pitfalls, as Bret and Robert pointed out so, so well. That’s why I love reader letters so, so much: they add their own thought, insight, and even entertainment to the newsletter.
And really, who can’t be entertained by the obliviots, too? Seriously, I’m to waste thoughts like, “Let your account be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and your soul be saved, that you may withstand the fiery hell that will beset the world for the age-old wickedness that the media spit-shines and sells as new.”!?
Hah hahh! NO WAY! Because all of this gets right back to TRUE’s mission: to provoke thought, with the idea that we need to teach our kids how to think, not what to think, as the ranters would have it.
So what do YOU think? That’s it for this week. From Las Vegas I’m Randy Cassingham … and I’ll talk at you later.
So what do you think? Comments are open on the Show Page at
Comments Note
Since this is a re-issue, comments start with those made on the original post — the dates are correct.
Or maybe you could have written a better tagline. “Start with Ms Brannon?” People are supposed to deduce sophisticated social commentary from that? LOL If people don’t understand what you’re saying, you’re probably not saying it right.
You’re not paying attention very well: what’s covered here is that “sicko morons” didn’t understand it, but “thoughtful and intelligent readers” easily did. So, which group are you trying to identify with, Barky? -rc
Randy, Thank you for being thought provoking. Thanks for your highlighting Zero tolerance stupidity. Thank you for you bringing humor along with awareness. Thank you for being you.
I am of a split opinion. Yeah, mom and dad have the right and responsibility to raise their kids to be able to make it in the world. So-she felt eleven was too young. Ok.
On the flip side, by eleven, I knew too much about some things, and not nearly enough about some others. You make your decision, and you and the kids must live with it.
Criminal? Yeah, start with her. How over reactive!
As a Christian myself, I actually saw a blessing being invoked on you, not a rant against you. Personally, you rub me wrong some times. But there it is: I am forced to use my grey matter for something other than skull filler! And I thank you.
I didn’t watch Austin Powers. I felt it too inappropriate for me or my kids. Sue someone over it? Bah, humbug!!
Keep up the great work sir!
“Don’t use vocabulary over a sixth grade level.” That explains Trump and his supporters. 😉
Of course, when the text for this was first published in 1999, Bill Clinton was president! -rc
An old friend once commented that some people are so miserable with their own lives that they aren’t happy until they are causing trouble for others.
I think this was your best podcast yet. Usually I fast forward through some sections using the wonderful 15-second skip button, but this time I even went back over a couple of sections to get the full benefit (then remembered the transcript).
Your comments are often addressed to what I call “Professional Offendees” — those who look for offence and often find it on behalf of others. I see your work as a valuable public service, so BRING IT ON!
Thanks, David! There is certainly a growing class of wanna-be professional offendees. It’s amazing to see what people choose to get indignant over. -rc
I love it, although I’m still not sure which category I fall into. I’d like to think of myself as thoughtful and intelligent, but I’ve also (unfortunately) been a sicko moron at times. Damn!!
Please, at some time, let us hear your thoughts on Zero Tolerance — in this style. This is a topic which really sets me off, as I’m sure it does most of your readers (and you)!
Thanks for everything!
Remember, you can be a sicko without being a moron! Certainly I am. And yes, I’ll be doing more “rant” episodes from time to time. -rc
In this day and age (even considering that it occurred in 1999) 11 is none too early to start talking to a child about sex. Tamantha Brannon wasted a perfectly good opportunity to start such a conversation with her son, Marvin. He gave her a perfectly good opening and instead of using it to educate she choose to be offended and to keep Marvin in the dark. Yes, I do think Toys ‘R’ Us was remiss in having the doll available unless they want to have an adults only toy section, but suing is a bit over the top.
It was worse than suing: she wanted criminal charges — which, of course, are impossible. Programming a doll to say “horny” isn’t a criminal offense. Not even in Georgia. But yes, she missed an opportunity. I wonder what Marvin is like today. Hopefully not too screwed up! -rc
I hate to say it but been there…my parents were overboard so when I turned 18…yeehaw I took off on my own. It took me a few years and one patient person to help me find what I was really looking for: Peace. But everyone has to find it or not find it in their own way. Oh, and I love the Austin Powers, Pink Panther, Airplane, Etc. movies. And I like your common sense.
Bravo! Randy unleashed is a quite a special treat. Thanks for the tip to listen first as it really made a difference.
Never NEVER dumb down this is true! If you only reach 1% it will be worth it. As those will be the ones to effect change.
If I haven’t dumbed it down in 25 years, I don’t think I’ll be dumbing it down now! -rc
I thoroughly enjoy every issue of This Is True exactly as it is. Hope it never changes.
Your comment regarding “Telling people what to think, rather than how to think” might go a long way to explaining the popularity of Fox News and Fox & Friends. Definitely NOT News — They even petitioned the FCC to be classified as Entertainment!!
I’d have to see a credible reference for that last sentence: I don’t think the FCC classifies channels as “news” or “entertainment”, nor do I think they’d need to “petition” the government to change any description they’ve provided to regulators. But if you have links, lay ’em on me. -rc
Wow, I love the comment from “The Barking Unicorn”. Not because it’s correct by any stretch of the imagination, but because it just goes to prove one of the many points you make with This Is True. If there were any merit to the thought “If people don’t understand what you’re saying, you’re probably not saying it right”, then there wouldn’t be many people on the face of the planet that say things right 🙂
Personally, I don’t always agree with what you say, and there are even some things in this particular rant that I don’t agree with, but in my opinion that’s a good thing. People that get all bent out of shape over that should just curl up in a hole somewhere and pretend that the world didn’t exist. If I chastised and then ignored everyone that didn’t agree with me 100% on everything I’d be an awfully lonely person, and that’s not something I want to be. All we have to do is take a look at the current state of our nation to see where the mentality of “if you don’t agree with me I won’t work with you” gets us.
As always thanks for some thought provoking material.
This is a good demonstration of the difference in not thinking, and thinking. I absolutely don’t demand or expect everyone to agree with everything I write or say. The point, which you clearly get, is for YOU to think about whatever issue raised before you accept someone’s argument. -rc
If you are offended or even annoyed by a product, don’t buy the product.
There are absolutes and we have to stop being bullied by those perpetually indignant members of a “minority” (whether it be religion, race, lifestyle, ethnicity or any other grouping) when they express offense over being exposed to things they don’t like or are banned by their religion (including the religion of fervent atheism).
Just because they get the vapors over an image or statement, or even a suggestion, of X does mean that all public references or images or activities involving X have to be removed from their sight or banned in public.
Despite rumors to the contrary, there is no Freedom From Discomfort, Insult and Offense. Freedom of Speech confers neither a right to an audience nor a right to be taken seriously. It does mean one has the Freedom to Offend but it also includes the Freedom to Ignore, that freedom is not exercised enough.
Or as I put it back in 2003, “Why is it that anyone thinks they’re entitled to go through life without ever being offended?”
LOVE IT (as I always do)! I may not always agree with your opinions and/or comments but I ABSOLUTELY ADORE that they always make me *think*! That’s a very valuable ability. Sadly it also seems to be an all too rare ability these days for many people. Should you change & kow-tow to the obliviots? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Keep doing what you’re doing. We need more voices like yours, not less.
Why is the mother allowing her 11 year old son to pick up the toy in the first place? It is plainly marked for ages 13 and up!
I also wonder if his interest in the toy was generated in that fact that he had seen the movie?