Criminal of the Week, U.K. Division
Paul Neaverson, 61, drew a knife on a bank teller in Rainham, Kent, England, and demanded 500 pounds (US$760) — and suggested that the teller simply deposit the money into his account. The teller hit his panic button. Neaverson turned to walk out, but another customer intervened and disarmed him of the knife, and police quickly caught him. It was his second unsuccessful bank robbery of the day. Even his attorney admitted Neaverson was an idiot. “There was no disguise. It was ridiculous. It only had one ending,” Danny Moore told the judge, “and here it is.” The robbery had little chance of succeeding: “Tellers are behind reinforced bullet-proof glass,” Moore said. “Unless they take leave of their senses in offering the money, it is not going to work.” Moore said Neaverson had secured a job on the Greek island of Corfu, and needed the money to get there. “He says he very much hopes to take up that job opportunity on his release.” Neverson was jailed for two years. (RC/Kent Messenger) ...And England takes the win by a landslide!Original Publication Date: 27 September 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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