She probably didn’t say it in a robotic voice, but a wife threatened to kill, or perhaps “exterminate,” her husband when he brought home a 5-foot-high Dalek that wouldn’t fit through their door. The mechanical monsters from the long-running Doctor Who TV series are known for their hatred for life, which is encapsulated in their mantra “Exterminate!” Of course, The Doctor wasn’t around to rescue the unnamed man, so his daughter’s headteacher did. She set up the Dalek outside her office at Stokesley School, North Yorkshire, England. Students speculated it was part of a new discipline system. (AC/Northern Echo) ...Fortunately, zero tolerance hasn’t reached the extermination level ...yet.Original Publication Date: 28 February 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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