Hose Him Down
A firefighting crew stopped at a fast food restaurant in Victorville, Calif., for lunch, but they were interrupted when a woman came running in to report that a man had taken off all his clothes and was trying to get into a nearby Dollar Tree store. The firefighters rushed out but the man was no longer trying to get in the store: instead, he was sitting in their fire truck; they called for assistance. Dollar Tree assistant manager Nicole Lamb said the man was screaming that “the end times are near” and “it’s the last day, you all better have read the Holy Bible,” and she had kept him from getting into her store. He also tried to hug her, but she pushed him away, and that’s when he got into the fire truck. “I just really want to go home and take a shower,” she said. (RC/Victorville Daily Press) ...Well, the guy is obviously ready for that, too.Original Publication Date: 20 December 2015
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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