I Am She as You Are She as You Are Me and We Are All Together
Police in Phoenix, Ariz., responded to a call at the apartment of Anitra Braxton, 59, where they discovered an unidentified dead woman on the couch covered with a towel. Officials have not been able to identify the body of the woman who Braxton allegedly admitted to shooting, and Braxton hasn’t helped. “She will not tell us who the victim is. When we ask for the victim’s name, she gives her own name,” police Sgt. Trent Crump said. Braxton allegedly told investigators the body was a “shrine from God” and she had shot the woman in the eye for not believing in God. Braxton is currently jailed in lieu of $750,000 bail, and is expected to face a first-degree murder charge — two counts if, as the police suspect, the woman was pregnant. (MS/Arizona Republic) ...Now only two-thirds of Braxton know for sure if there’s a God.Original Publication Date: 17 January 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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