Story Archive

Spelling Counts

A 10-year-old boy attending primary school in Lancashire, England, wrote about his home for class. But when he wanted to describe his “terraced house,” the Muslim boy instead said he lived in a “terrorist house.” The teacher, obligated to report suspected extremist behavior, contacted the police. The next day, the Lancashire Police showed up at the boy’s house, interviewed him and checked the family’s laptop. The boy’s family said they were shocked by the incident and want an apology from the school and the police. “If the teacher had any concerns it should have been about his spelling,” the boy’s cousin said. “They shouldn’t be putting a child through this. He’s now scared of writing, using his imagination.” The police, however, say the visit and interview happened because of other concerns that were reported. “This was not responded to as a terror incident,” Lancashire Constabulary’s police and crime commissioner, Clive Grunshaw, said. “In the event there was no further action needed, but if the school and police had not acted then they would have been failing in their duty to respond to concerns.” A police spokesperson added that “There was no further action required by any further agency.” (MS/BBC, London Guardian) ...Except maybe a counselor for the boy, but thats not important right now.
Original Publication Date: 07 February 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.

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