Story Archive

Sundays Are the Worst

After a receipt from a pastor who refused to tip a waitress went viral, another pastor wanted to do something. “What could we do for the serving community to show them that the church cares about them and that we’re not judgmental?” asked Chad Roberts, lead Pastor of Preaching Christ Church in Kingsport, Tenn. “What if there was a website where servers could just sound off, they could just vent, and then the church say, it’s OK, we get it, we understand?” The result,, invites servers to share their horror stories about Sunday lunch crowds, also called the “God Squad” by some servers. Every server who posts will receive a personal, emailed apology from the church, and one server per week will be sent gift cards that can be redeemed for groceries or gas. “It’s a way for our church to tell the serving community that we’re sorry for what you have to go through on Sundays and that we really do appreciate you and what you do for our community,” Roberts said. (MS/Kingsport Times News) ...It’s a good start, but I look forward to the day when they can apologize for their own behavior.
Story Update: I guess the site was overwhelmed: after a few months they put up a notice that it would relaunch in February 2015. It never came back.
Original Publication Date: 30 March 2014
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 20.

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