The Latest Buzz on Drunk Driving
Noah Elkins, 36, was driving in Laurel County, Ky., with Priscilla Simpson, 35, when Elkins crashed into a power pole. The crash “disturbed” a bee hive. Gary Anderson was in his front yard when the accident happened, and Elkins and Simpson grabbed Anderson’s garden hose to try to spray off the bees, while “screaming and squalling, and running around about like a chicken with its head cut off,” Anderson said. “I didn’t know he was getting et’ up by bees, I thought he was just high.” According to police, they both were using a combination of drugs. The couple was looking for a place to swim, and “That girl in that little bikini, she had little red dots all over her” from bee stings, Anderson said. They were taken to the hospital for treatment for the stings, as well as injuries from the crash. Anderson was also stung. “If they feel like my leg feels,” Anderson says, “I’d say they’re learning” their lesson. (MS/WKYT Lexington) ...Learning the hard way can really sting.Original Publication Date: 07 August 2016
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
This story is in True’s book collections, in Volume 22.
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