Higher Education

I do a lot of research when looking for stories, and I see quite a bit of amazing stuff. Most of it I use for stories, but sometimes even truly wonderful items just don’t quite make it into the final product. This is one such case.

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What Police Car Videos are For?

Video Captures and Update Below

So much for taping drunk drivers stumbling around. This cop had a much “better” use for his vehicle camera system, spending hours of on-duty time making, and later watching, recordings. From True’s 5 March 2006 issue:

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Unclear on the Concept

One of my pet peeves is Public Relations Flacks. These are not to be confused with Public Relations Professionals — PR people who do a good job getting The Word out about their clients. They hate the word “flack,” but when they make their clients look bad — well, they’re inviting the derision.

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