Is Everyone in Florida Crazy?! The short answer: no, even if this week’s issue is all-Florida-based stories. The longer answer: read on.
Difficult Subjects
True sometimes covers “difficult” subjects, such as this week’s Predatory Pair of Pastors, which stories appear below. This post is about why I think it’s important to cover them, but maybe not for the reasons you think.
Illustrated Man
There is a nice story in this week’s issue about a family who saved a woman in grave danger. This isn’t about the story per se, but rather about how one “news” site treated it. Let’s start with the story:
Wells Fargo, Trampled
Some extra story commentary about a business sector people love to hate. And sometimes, our feelings are fully justified.
Behind Great Men
I suddenly realized that a story I was writing this week both stood alone in its breathtaking wonderfulness, and stood out in the context of recent headlines in an unexpected way.
Engineering the Future
I’ve Had a Lovely and Slow conversation with Craig in Georgia, a retired Engineering Professor who, last year, “finally decided to do the ‘right’ thing and not be such a cheapskate & finally subscribe to Premium.”
When Co-Sleeping with a Baby Is a Bad Idea
I “had to” look up more details on a story. While “I Hate This Story” does reflect my feelings, I do think it’s important to occasionally bring to light how horrible people can be, even to their own children, because we can and should learn from them.
Bill Post for H.U.?
No, a junk food creator didn’t get the nod.
Weird Coincidences
It’s coming up on True’s 30th anniversary, so there are bound to be some coincidences among story subjects. Get a load of this one from this week’s issue:
Front Page News
A fairly bizarre news story from the county seat of my recently-former Colorado home not only caught my eye, but quickly spread to national, and now international, headlines.
Florida Book Censorship
There needed to be a place to comment on, and get more info on, a truly moronic Florida story from this week’s issue. This is the place.
Damned If You Do
Discussion about the small-town Missouri school teacher who was discovered to have an account on OnlyFans.
Two Court Orders
The first two stories this week have brief summaries of two different court orders: you might utter a distressed “You can’t be serious!” on one. The other could be described with the same words, but with an opposite emotion.
The Continuing Decline in News Reporting
I Really Rolled My Eyes at the poor reporting in the source for a story in this week’s issue. Let’s start with my version of the story:
Who Knows Religion Best?
This post was triggered by a story this week by True contributor Alexander Cohen, who properly wrote the slug (story title) in the form of a question:
Humbled by the H.U.?
This is True’s Honorary Unsubscribe has long been a reader favorite. Sometimes it’s hard to not compare yourself to them.
Not Political, Not Partisan
Last Week’s Issue included a story from Florida — indeed one that most readers would “expect” to be based in Florida. Well, one reader responded with an age-old charge: it was (oh no!) political! He actually meant partisan — but it was neither. Let’s start with the story:
Texas Zero Tolerance
I Still Get So Angry at Zero Tolerance stories! Let’s start with the story that made me angry this week:
“He’s a F—–g Weenie”
I often wonder what happened in old stories, so I looked for the resolution of one was published two years ago last week. I’m a pretty decent researcher, but all I could find is the original news stories, and occasionally a comment about the story. So I dug deeper.