Common Sense Isn’t Common & Isn’t Enough
Exploring the people who don’t exhibit mere common sense (which is rare enough), but Uncommon Sense: leaping beyond good ideas.
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What’s a Podcast?
Podcasts are how I listen to my favorite radio show, NPR’s Science Friday, as well as several other high-quality shows with information I want or need. With iTunes on an iPhone or iPad, you can subscribe to any of thousands of shows automatically downloaded to your phone. You can listen to shows you really want to hear, rather than what happens to be on the radio when you are on the road needing something to listen to. I don’t like brain-rot shows that are interrupted every three minutes by strings of even more brain-damaging commercials; I want to listen to what I really want that makes me smarter, or is at least intelligent entertainment.
Not an iPhone/iPad Person? Actually, I’m not either: I use an Android phone myself; there are plenty of podcast apps you can get free that will download, manage, and play the shows you subscribe to. I now use Podcast Addict since it’s highly configurable and flexible, but not terribly complex to figure out how it works. Like many such apps, it can be set to only download shows when connected to WiFi (to not use up your mobile data plan).
Show Format
Uncommon Sense is decidedly not a recording of me reading stories. I’ve been going into what “uncommon sense” is, how it’s demonstrated in real life, and, yes, from time to time you’ll be able to hear some of my “rants” about various issues, in my voice, coming to you for 12-20ish per episode, on Mondays. In other words, it’s completely separate from the newsletter, not an audio version of the newsletter. It’s also free, thanks to reader support.
Episode List
- 094: Why You Don’t Need to Be Perfect - People with Uncommon Sense are definitely not perfect, and I’ll tell you why that doesn’t matter.
- 093: The Best Books were Never Written - Learning that I didn’t have to let my pain lead to fear was liberating.
- 092: Leaving a Better World is More Complicated Than You Think - Humans might be a little special, but we’re not as far above other animals than what we want to believe. And the implications of that are profound.
- 091: Don’t Die in the Next Five Years - The title is an unofficial motto of an organization my wife and I joined. They say this because of coming advances in medicine in the next several years. This episode is my first report on what I learned. (14-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 090: Rescuing Uncommon Sense - An astonishing example of Uncommon Sense in a rescue, with some practical advice that could save your life. Show Page:
- 089: The Deserved Death of “Doctor Knows Best” - “Doctor knows best,” the saying went. While delivered as reassurance, its real meaning was much more sinister, as I’ll explain. This is the story of the final nail in that idiom’s coffin because really, it was a lie all along. The crazy thing is, that didn’t happen all that long ago. Show Page:
- 088: The Fruits of Her Labor - “Success came because I never saw obstacles” — an Uncommon Sense approach to life, let alone business. Show Page:
- 087: I Got the Moderna Vaccine - My Reaction So Far. It was quite the surprise to get the shot 2 days before Christmas.
- 086: Beating the Vaccine Scare-Mongers - Now that the coronavirus vaccine is rolling out, there are several important things to watch out for, which may take a little Uncommon Sense to fully get past the scare-mongers.
- 085: The Triple Win - What makes a business work in the sense of the triple win: employees and customers being happy, and the owners making a decent return, or better! This is about a guy who applied Uncommon Sense, and figured it out. Show Page:
- 084: Why You’re So Tired - A lot of us are pooped — wrung out, over capacity. This episode doesn’t just talk about why, but how to build your resilience to the stressors of this crazy year that’s not over yet. Show Page:
- 083: Coming Together - The United States is divided like never before, but it’s too easy to point at Donald Trump, or even to the 'right' or the 'left': there is fault all around. By applying the Uncommon Sense and without being partisan, let’s explore what both sides can learn. Show Page:
- 082: You Don’t Need Willpower - A psychologist who has studied willpower says there’s a much, much, better, and easier, way. Show Page:
- 081: Breathe Easy - There’s a technique that can keep you calm, or even alive in an emergency, that’s so easy to learn you’re already doing most of it right now. You’ll be amazed at what it can get you through when you learn the rest of it, and I’ll tell you how. Show Page:
- 080: The Eight Secrets to a (Fairly) Fulfilled Life - The title of this episode — The Eight Secrets to a (Fairly) Fulfilled Life — isn’t mine, as I’ll explain, but it’s the distillation of one man’s writing, and this is going to summarize his summary. Show Page:
- 079: The Key to Success - The fear of failure is central to most of our lives. We worry about failing in business ventures, in personal relationships, and in our dreams. But what happens when you apply Uncommon Sense instead and embrace failure? Because that’s actually the key to success, and I’ll tell you how. Show Page:
- 078: Tapping a Deeper Mind Power - What if there was a way to use your mind to reduce stress, increase emotional health, boost your attention span, help preserve your brain as you age, even help control pain? There is a way, and it’s actually easy to do. Show Page:
- 077: 7 Things to Stop Doing
(& What to Do Instead) - Want a happier, more-fulfilled, and less-stressed life? Here are seven things to stop doing immediately — and what to do instead — that are pretty easy to do right away. Show Page: - 076: Leading Yourself Down a Path - Having vague, preconceived, and uninformed notions and, worse, acting upon them, isn’t just the opposite of Uncommon Sense, it can actually cause harm. How do you avoid that trap? Show Page:
- 075: Leveraging Thinking Tools - A profound bit of advice isn’t necessarily usable just for the situation it’s created for. In fact, that may be what makes it profound, because sometimes you end up with a nice tool for leveraging your Uncommon Sense. This episode offers a great example of that. Show Page:
- 074: “I’ve Learned to Never Give Up” - Previous episodes have pointed out that children can indeed have Uncommon Sense. So much so, they can truly contribute to society. So this week, I’ll tell you about Nora Keegan. She’s 14, and has been doing something extraordinary for five years now. Show Page:
- 073: The Missing Element - The medical profession is starting to realize that it’s been missing a very important element of patient care. It’s likely that you’ll be very surprised to hear what it is, but then when you think about it, it’ll make total sense — and you’ll be mad that you didn’t get it. Show Page:
- 072: Not Perfect - Sure, it’s cool to hear stories of famous (and completely obscure) people who exhibit Uncommon Sense. But there’s one other thing you need to know about every one of them: they’re definitely not perfect, and that’s important to know because neither are you. Show Page:
- 071: Taking It To the Extreme - Humans mostly pay attention to the short term. If we can lift our eyes and look much farther out, not only does that benefit us personally, but business leaders that truly have Uncommon Sense sometimes take it to the extreme, and their results, actual and still in the works, can be absolutely mind-blowing. Show Page:
- 070: Pushing for Better - Company owners aren’t just employers: sometimes they’re mentors who can change lives. My buddy Doc recently told me about his old boss, and his story illustrates what I mean very clearly. Show Page:
- 069: A Link to the Future - When you really look into something that’s “obvious” and “common sense,” sometimes you’ll find that ...the “experts” are wrong! This is the story of a man who was pretty sure the industry experts were wrong about something, and boy did it take him a lot of effort to turn that industry around. But he did, because his Uncommon Sense beat their common sense. Show Page:
- 068: What Normal? - Everyone says they want to “go back” to “normal” rather than have the constant uncertainty of the pandemic. But what “normal” do we want to “go back” to? It’s time to think about a new normal — what do we want to go to as this craziness ramps down? (11-1/4 minutes) Show Page:
- 067: Counterintuitive - An American company that makes masks and other PPE chose NOT to ramp up production to help with the Covid pandemic. That sounds like a decision to be criticized, but it’s actually an example of Uncommon Sense. This episode explores why (14 minutes). Show Page:
- 066: Masking the Problem - Some of the stories told in Uncommon Sense are wonderful, but we can’t always relate to the person in the sense we can’t necessarily emulate them: we’re not all well-connected technology geeks, born at the right point in history, or whatever. But here’s a couple of stories about regular people who got past whatever fears they have of the coronavirus, and stepped up to make a difference that anyone can do — if they apply a little Uncommon Sense. Show Page:
- 065: Beating the Fear over Covid - The rise of COVID-19 is exceeded only by the fear it engenders. Yet Uncommon Sense tells us that fear is getting in the way of what we should be focusing on, not just in the face of the pandemic but always. Show Page:
- 064: The Line in the Sand - Colorado, having seen constant partisan manipulations of redistricting in the past — Gerrymandering — actually did something about it, and they did something radical in the process: they exercised Uncommon Sense (18-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 063: The Contrarian - Having Uncommon Sense often means going against what “everyone” says is the right way to do something. Being a contrarian can absolutely be the correct way to succeed. Show Page:
- 062: “Why Should I Have to Develop a Sense of Humor?” - After This is True stories on religion, it’s fairly typical for a reader or two to complain. This time the complaint was, ‘Why should I have to develop a sense of humor’ (about his religion)? This episode is my response to that question: it of course comes down to …a matter of Uncommon Sense (19-1/4 minutes). Show Page:
- 061: The Domino Effect - James Flanagan followed his gut, and the domino effect that followed is so amazing, you’ll find it hard to believe that one guy’s efforts are probably a part of your life every day — even though he’s been dead for several years. (12-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 060: Uncommon Sense in Kids - Uncommon Sense in Kids — How to Help Your Kids be Millionaires ...when YOU aren’t rich (15-3/4 minutes). Show Page:
- 059: Rescuing History - A wild story of several civilians who rescued a piece of space history (21-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 058: Solving Cultural Amnesia - There are millions of web sites, but if the owner dies it’s shut down, and all of its knowledge can be lost forever. Someone is trying to do something about that, and much more (14-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 057: The Key to Innovation - What is innovation, really? And more importantly, how do you get it, especially if you’re a creative type and maybe don’t think of yourself as brave? The answer may surprise you (10-1/4 minutes). Show Page:
- 056: Running with An Idea - What if you have a business idea, but you’re not sure if you want to take the risk to pursue it: should you quit your day job? Well, there’s an alternative to quitting your job: getting your employer to back your innovative idea (10-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 055: Resisting Uncommon Sense - Why isn’t there more Uncommon Sense? Because the default for humans is to resist change. Uncommon Sense requires your mind to be open to new ideas, to be convinced that “the way we’ve always done it” might not be the best way. Yet humans resist change even when sick and dying, and the change might save their lives. Don’t believe me? Then you haven’t heard this story (12-3/4 minutes). Show Page:
- 054: Pre-Silicon Valley - Digging into the idea that the smartphone was invented in 1953. The back story is even more impressive: it nicely demonstrates that you don’t need a college education to have Uncommon Sense (11 minutes). Show Page:
- 053: Leveraging Uncommon Sense - Sometimes people are forced into thinking up solutions because of an emergency. But when they practice Uncommon Sense, they can leverage their thinking into, once in awhile, saving millions of lives. This is the story of a married couple who did just that (11 minutes). Show Page:
- 052: Uncommon Sense the Easy Way - Can you quit a bad habit with willpower? Allen Carr thought that was the hard way, but he had an 'Easy Way' and saved perhaps millions of lives by quitting his day job to help teach others how. (14-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 051: Out of Thin Air - The Uncommon Sense behind vodka made from 'thin air' and water (10-1/2 minutes). Show Page:
- 050: The Mother of All Demos - One person with Uncommon Sense can have a profound effect on the world. Wait until you hear the story of Doug Engelbart: he’s the visionary behind many of the technologies you use most every day (13-3/4 minutes). Show Page:
- 049: Mind Triggers - Here’s another tool in what I call the Thinking Toolbox: a way to learn how to think better, unlike most of the people in This is True’s stories. Or, if you’re already an accomplished thinker, a way to help others learn how to think better because trust me: most people need the help. Show Page:
- 048: A Competitive Advantage - We’ve been hearing about “diversity” in the workplace for years now, but many companies are doing something so radically different on the diversity front, it’s very surprising for a lot of people. Yet what it really comes down to is Uncommon Sense.
- 047: Standing in Line - How does a man use his years of experience working for IBM as they introduced computers to business, leverage that experience to invent a worldwide phenomenon that you have used many, many times? He uses Uncommon Sense. Show Page:
- 046: ‘An Ethic of Compassion’ - It’s a conundrum in the business world, but this idea really is about living in general. And that is, how can businesses encourage their employees to be more productive, healthier, and provide better customer service? University researchers applied some Uncommon Sense to this age-old question, and came to some surprising conclusions. Show Page:
- 045: Right Place, Right Time - Being in the right place at the right time helps, but it often takes Uncommon Sense to step back to consider the big picture. This is the story of how someone did that — and leveraged his luck to help millions (13 minutes). Show Page:
- 044: The Rants Get Serious - Do you want to know what TRUE is really about? Then listen to this one if you can — don’t read the transcript. You’ll hear the true passion behind one of my written rants, because now it’s literally in my voice. If you don’t have a podcast player, you can stream it from the Show Page:
- 043: The $100 Education - Warren Buffett says the biggest impact on his massive success was one particular class he took. But it wasn’t part of his college or graduate school education. I’ll tell you what it is, for free. Show Page:
- 042: Pushing the Uncommon Sense Envelope - Uncommon Sense facilitates some pretty out-of-the-box thinking that not only improves the thinker’s life, but sometimes improves or even saves countless other lives. Doug Lindsay’s story pushed the envelope pretty far — there really is no limit to Uncommon Sense, as you’re about to hear for yourself. Show Page:
- 041: What is Thinking? - The question is harder to answer than you ...think! But really, what IS thinking? Plus, if you use the "Dunning-Kruger Effect" to judge other peoples' thinking, you're doing it wrong — says Dr. Dunning. Show Page:
- 040: Undaunted - Can anything be done to stem the decline in bookstores from Amazon's relentless domination? Yes: Uncommon Sense is already reversing the trend, and in a surprising way. Show Page:
- 039: Failure is Not Optional - Humans don’t like to fail. Sure, sometimes failure has catastrophic results, so surgeons work hard to ensure their operations are successful. But when we don’t allow ourselves, or our children, or our employees to fail, they can’t reach their full potential. Here’s why you should actually embrace failure. Show Page:
- 038: The Giant Leap for Mankind - If you think it maybe took an extraordinary amount of Uncommon Sense to get to the moon, you’re right, and this episode talks about some of the details that you may not have heard about before. Show Page:
- 037: You Were Never Created to Fit In - Uncommon Sense can be found in very unusual places. In this story, a janitor at one of the plants at a multinational corporation had the cojones to call the CEO with an idea. And the CEO was smart enough to listen. Show Page:
- 036: The Stakes are High - In This is True, I rail about obliviocy, using real people and their stories as examples. Uncommon Sense talks about the opposite: the cure for obliviocy ...using real people and their stories as examples. The two sides are actually at war, so let’s define our terms — and think about what the stakes are. It really is worth 6-1/2 minutes to talk about it. Show Page:
- 035: To Boldly Go - To Boldly Go? No, this isn’t about Star Trek, but rather something even better: real life. This is the story of a 9-year-old with Uncommon Sense who was inspired to reach for the stars — and years later inspired a bunch of other kids growing up behind him. Show Page:
- 034: I Have a Scenario For You - A reader tells how she was inspired to change her life. And that leads to a powerful thinking tool: running scenarios can save your life. I’ll show you how, and tell the story of how they probably saved my life. Show Page:
- 033: Taking Control of Your Attention - “Your attention please!” is what everyone seems to want online — they call you “eyeballs”. And “they” say our attention span is getting shorter. But I don’t think that’s true: here’s why (12 minutes). Show Page:
- 032: “Give Me a Shot at It. I’m an Engineer” - The story of a man who wasn’t satisfied with mere success. He took Uncommon Sense to a new level in order to help others, yet refused to get rich from it. Show Page:
- 031: Boosting Creativity the Easy Way - There’s a proven way to boost your creativity, open-mindedness, thoughtfulness, and more. The best part: it’s also fun, interesting, and can even be done while working, or on vacation. Show Page;
- 030: I Learned There Are No Boxes - An unthinking This is True reader was shown Uncommon Sense — and adopted the practice for himself. A profoundly moving episode that shows how even terrible humans can change. John's story is one of the most powerful ever told by a reader. Show Page:
- 029: 32 Glasses of Water Go Down the Black Hole - I love watching others and recognizing signs of Uncommon Sense. I’m going to tell you about another friend of mine (who has no idea I’m going to talk about this), since it’s a great example of taking something you see with a grain of salt, and calling B.S. when it’s necessary. And then, I take on the universe. Show Page:
- 028: Reading TRUE to Kids - The question: should you consider reading This is True 'weird news' stories to your kids? Lots of parents do — or let the kids read it themselves. Here’s why (12-1/3 minutes). Show Page:
- 027: Think… or React? - One of the This is True mantras is ‘Think first, react later ...if at all.’ But what does that really mean, and how can we learn something from an example of doing it ‘wrong’? Show Page:
- 026: What a Talking Ape Can Teach Humans - It’s easier for young children to learn basic sign language than to speak, and what a head start they can get on learning! Proof of concept: a gorilla. Show Page:
- 025: Finding Your Purpose and Mission - Some know their life's purpose and mission. Others don't know how to apply them to their lives. Here's how to get clarity on both, even if you're retired. Show Page:
- 024: Extending Thinking Beyond Humans - Thinking about thinking that might occur in machines — for the betterment of humanity. Show Page:
- 023: Why Uncommon Sense Matters - Whether you “need” a monkey (wait… what?!) or “want” something for nothing, scammers are eager to take your money from you. Here are a few stories of those who fell for it and (more importantly) how you can reduce your chances of being conned. Show Page:
- 022: The Little Things - The "little things" matter -- a lot. Right down to making the world a better place for generations to come, and they're easy to do. And really: if a 5-year-old is obviously starting to develop Uncommon Sense, anyone who puts their mind to it can develop it too. Show Page:
- 021: Uncommon Sense at Work - Uncommon Sense isn't just for your day-to-day life. Here's the story of a guy who not only runs his life with Uncommon Sense (even if he doesn't call it that), he does it on the job, too: "tiny little things" that bring huge financial results. Here are a few examples of what he does. Show Page:
- 020: How to Lose Everything, Instantly - More on the story about the loss (to fire) of the Hewlett-Packard archive of papers about their early formation, with a special guest connecting in from the coast to talk about how that could have been prevented. Because H-P's loss has a lesson for all of us: it's a real "Wake-Up Call". Show Page:
- 019: How to be Happier - A 'secret' to Uncommon Sense used to be passed down from generation to generation, but has started to die out — which explains a lot. Learn it to reduce stress and fear, and increase satisfaction and happiness, in just over 14 minutes! Show Page:
- 017: Developing Uncommon Sense - Can you really develop Uncommon Sense? From none to some, and from some to more? Yes: it can grow, get stronger, and help you in your life -- or even save your life. Here's how. Show Page:
- 018: Big Brother and the “Online Challenge” - The 'Big Brother' privacy implications with Facebook's '10 Year Photo Challenge' -- are they training their facial recognition systems to identify you even as you age? Spend 13 minutes to hear this out. Show Page:
- 016: Barking Up the Right Tree - Dogs may or may not have Uncommon Sense, but how its owner reacts to a dog might be an interesting indicator of their thinking ability. A really cool story. Show Page:
- 015: Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize - An interesting story of achieving a big life goal: how Uncommon Sense played a role, and how it may help you. Show Page:
- 014: Expect the Unexpected - Just how much impact one person can have by refusing to be stymied by those who don’t have it. In fact, you might owe this guy your life. Show Page:
- 013: How ADD Made TRUE Possible - Is ADD/ADHD a curse? No! When properly managed, it provides 'superpowers' that are an absolute gift! It actually helped me in my job at NASA, and then in going solo as an entrepreneur. Show Page:
- 012: Dreaming Big - I like to make fun of the lottery, but if you are going to play, here’s how to apply some Uncommon Sense to the mix, whether you win or not. Show Page:
- 011: We Need Better Heroes - Some people — usually people with Uncommon Sense — aspire to something greater than the whims of the masses and can make a huge impact on the world. This episode looks at what we as a society pay a lot of attention to, at the detriment to the much more important things we pretty much ignore. The difference: mind-blowing. Show Page:
- 010: “I Just Don’t Have Time” - “I just don’t have time” is the modern mantra. And I’m here to tell you why that’s total B.S. Because if you apply Uncommon Sense to the time problem, that turns out to not be the problem you think it is. I’m going to tell you how to get more out of putting time in. Show Page:
- 009: The Headlines Lied - The REAL “fake news” isn't what you may think — and it starts even before you click.
- 008: The Man with the Golden Arm - I didn’t know the whole story of “The Man with the Golden Arm”, so I researched it. Show Page:
- 007: A Second Opinion - A very different kind of episode: a story that's not from the newsletter, but rather one that's too long and complex to be shortened to 100ish words plus a pithy tagline. It's an amazing story of despair, hope, and renewal, with a wild twist at the end. Show Page:
- 006: The X Factor - How two men inspired others to change the world in a massive display of Uncommon Sense. Show Page:
- 005: The Last Stroke of Midnight - Feel-good stories can go viral online, but let's apply the Uncommon Sense filter and see what we can take away long after the viral story is forgotten. Show Page:
- 004: Full Circle - When sizing up someone in a modest profession, don’t make the mistake of thinking the job title defines the person or their abilities. They might just surprise you with an overabundance of Uncommon Sense. Show Page:
- 003: Cassini: The Bigger Picture - From California, where I came to see and reflect on the End of Mission for the Cassini spacecraft — its so-called Grand Finale. This isn't about the mission per se, but rather the thinking behind it: The Bigger Picture. Show Page:
- 002: Reverberating for Decades - Three amazing stories of medical professionals going outside protocol to do the right thing: to be fully human in the face of death — all in just 9 minutes. Show Page:
- 001: The Best of Humanity - While the stories in This is True usually point out the pitfalls of not thinking, the Honorary Unsubscribe holds up the best of humanity, which often means someone who exhibited Uncommon Sense on a regular basis. Show Page:
- 000: Podcast Relaunch Introduction - An introduction to This is True, and the Uncommon Sense Podcast. Show Page:
It would be great if, in addition to podcast and web listening, it was also possible to download episodes as plain MP3 files. To some of us, a good ol’ MP3 player is much easier to use than a smartphone.
Looking forward to hearing you 🙂
When your device downloads a podcast, it is downloading an MP3 file. But yes, manual downloads are possible too. Thanks for making sure. -rc
I was amused by your statement about Science Friday that, “I don’t commute, so I was pretty much never in my car when the show was on…”. It is possible, you know, to buy a radio that works inside your house 🙂
Heh! Yeah, radio is just one of those things I Just Don’t Do at home. Interestingly, I will listen to a podcast — but even those I’d rather listen to on the go. -rc
At least two other “uncommon sense” podcasts already exist.
I checked for trademarks, but I didn’t even think about checking podcast directories! I found a third, but only one is still active: it covers “all things Chesterson” (I assume writer G.K.) I’m OK with that: not much overlap. -rc