A Glorious Dawn

I’m really taken with a video released on YouTube last week. It’s an Auto-Tune, which is the name given to soundtracks that use the audio plug-in of the same name. Auto-Tune was designed to correct the pitch of vocals, but clever music creators realized they could use it to make spoken word recordings musical. This is a fantastic example of the genre.

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Tough Weekend

This week I’ve been dragging after a tough weekend. “Just” two ambulance calls, but they were doozies. I was just starting to make a late breakfast Saturday morning when we got a call for a rollover just 3 miles down the road.

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In the Line of Duty

The county I’m in is pretty small, population-wise: about 4,200 people. (Geography-wise, it’s medium for the west: about 550 square miles.) As you might guess, there’s not much shopping in my county, so for groceries we pop into Montrose, which is a town of about 16,000, and is only 20 minutes away. (Montrose County has a population of around 34,000 in 2,240 square miles.) So we know the town pretty well.

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Taking a Day Off

I live in one of the most beautiful parts of one of the most beautiful states in the union. If you’ve been following this blog, you know I work a lot, and know I stare out at the mountains from my office window — I have a great view.

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Spring Snow

It was a good day to stay inside today. Just because it’s well into Spring doesn’t mean it doesn’t want to snow in Colorado! It came down all day today, sometimes in “whiteout” conditions, piling up about 18″ (46 cm) at my house. It stopped about two hours before tonight’s newsletter went out, so I just posted an amazing photo of what happens here when it snows:

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Another Independent Content Site: RIP?

When I talk about how independent sites like True need your direct and ongoing support, I’ll often emphasize that all independent sites need such support; if you like “them” (whoever “they” might be), you need to support them so they can continue. And indeed one of the oldest, most venerable content sites has stopped publishing and is in very real danger of failing completely.

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TV Land

I don’t watch very much TV, so when I do I want something that’s interesting and thought-provoking as well as entertaining. There’s a new show on this year that I really like — and naturally it’s not doing all that well in the ratings. Why?

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EMS Stories: a New Series

While This is True is a “weird news” publication, — its bigger mission is “Thought-Provoking Entertainment” — social commentary, or an exploration of The Human Condition. While True is my full-time job, I also volunteer as an on-call first-responder medic in my community. These are some of my stories from real medical emergencies.

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Small Town Life

The new place I live in isn’t super rural, per se — we’re 20 minutes from a town big enough to have a Home Depot, for instance. But that’s in the next county; the county I live in has around 4,000 full-time residents.

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